Fair Share Giving

Apportionment Resources
from our Conference Treasurer

The mission of the West Virginia Conference of The United Methodist Church is to: discover, develop, and deploy passionate spiritual leaders who make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

86% of our apportionment dollars stay here in the West Virginia Conference. Working together, our gifts are multiplied, much as Jesus multiplied the loaves and the fish that were offered (see Mark 6:37-44). By the grace of God, what we offer God can and DOES multiply to transform lives, congregations, and communities!

In the West Virginia Conference, your faithful payment of apportionments/fair share giving makes possible these important ministries (among others):

  • Growing Vital Congregations that make disciples, so that all congregations represent the love of Christ to each other and to their community.
  • Intentional discipleship and mentoring with:
  • Young People, through caring relationships, opportunities for exploring their faith, quality youth ministry events, and leadership development.
  • Eight Campus Ministries that extend the ministry of the local church by offering continued Christian connection and faith development.
  • Camps and Outdoor Ministries that transform participants’ lives through Christ-centered experiences so that our young people grow in faith and learn to put their faith in action.
  • Conference Mission Agencies that extend the reach of our congregations:
  • Working together, our seven mission projects and our health and welfare ministries meet basic needs and transform the lives of children, families, and communities, providing hope for the future.
  • Offering opportunities and training when we are needed in times of crisis and need, through Volunteers in Mission and in Disaster Recovery.
  • Intentional development, credentialing, and support for those who hear and respond to God’s call to licensed and ordained ministry, as they benefit from spiritual, educational, emotional, health, family, and retirement support, throughout their lives the Church is strengthened.
  • The essential functions that underpin the ministry of our United Methodist Church in the West Virginia Conference are provided with skill and love. Those who make the details of ministry happen from our district offices, those who serve from our Conference Center (our Treasurer’s and Connectional Ministries staff), who care for our questions, our financial or administrative needs—all contribute to the administrative ministry that facilitates discovery, development, and deployment of disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

The remaining 14% of our apportionment dollars, go to ministry outside the West Virginia Conference and supports the essential work of our United Methodist general agencies. Together we make possible an abundance of ministry around the world through our United Methodist connection. A portion of this is returned to the West Virginia Conference through resources, leadership training, mission funding and scholarship support.

Just as maturing disciples help our congregations grow and multiply, your generosity inspires the Church to reach out with the love of Christ to transform the world.

Download the Narrative Fair Share Giving/Apportionment Summary Here

Ever wonder how Fair Share calculations are made? Click button below to down load a fact sheet that shares the various factors considered in calculating Fair Share giving. 

Fair Share Calculations

So where does our Fair Share giving go? Follow the link below to explore where your dollars go to support the mission and ministries of the West Virginia Conference. 

Fair Share Breakdown
Church statements are uploaded monthly to the conference website. Click the button below to take a look at your local church statement.
Church Statements